The July/August 2009 issue of Library and Information Update, the journal of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), features an article by Alex Ball of UKOLN. In Engineering a complete record Alex covers some of the research carried out by the KIM Grand Challenge Project. The article describes how the project has investigated the issues of knowledge and information management that arise as engineering firms increasingly sell their products as services.
Archive for the ‘Research’ Category
IDCC 2009 – Call for Papers deadline extended
Thursday, July 16th, 2009The DCC is pleased to announce that the Paper Submission date for IDCC09 has been extended by two weeks to Friday 7 August 2009. Submissions should be in the form of a full or short paper, or a one page abstract for a poster, workshop or demonstration. All papers accepted for the conference will be published in the International Journal of Digital Curation .
International Journal of Digital Curation Publishes Issue 1, Volume 4 (2009)
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009The International Journal of Digital Curation produced by UKOLN on behalf of the Digital Curation Centre has published the first issue of this year’s Volume 4. Issue 1, Volume 4 contains 10 peer-reviewed papers as well as general articles of interest to practitioners in digital curation and preservation and access, the management of data, etc.
Data Informatics Top Ten at i-expo
Thursday, June 18th, 2009Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, recently gave a presentation in Paris entitled Data Informatics Top Ten: (for Libraries) during the 2009 i-expo session E-Research / E-Infrastructure and roles for libraries and the scientific information community. Liz’ presentation is now available.
Moving to Multi-Scale Science: Managing Complexity and Diversity
Thursday, June 4th, 2009For the second year running, the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) will be hosting day of workshops in the lead-up to the 5th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC 2009), 2-4 December 2009. The workshops will take place on 2 December at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London and will be followed by a drinks reception at the Natural History Museum .
IDCC 2009 Call for Papers
Thursday, June 4th, 2009The DCC invites submission of full papers, posters, workshops and demos to the 5th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC 2009). It also welcomes contributions and participation from individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines and domains that are engaged in the creation, use and management of digital data, especially those involved in the challenge of curating data for e-science and e-research. Proposals will be considered for short (up to 6 pages) or long (up to 12 pages) papers and also for demonstrations, workshops and posters. The full text of papers will be peer-reviewed; abstracts for all posters, workshops and demos will be reviewed by the co-chairs. Final copy of accepted contributions will be made available to conference delegates, and papers will be published in our International Journal of Digital Curation .
New blog for JISC SIS Landscape Study
Thursday, June 4th, 2009This blog has been set up to collect evidence for a small, JISC-funded study on how the UK academic sector is using Web 2.0 tools and services either in addition to, or instead of, JISC shared services. Please visit the blog, read the pages and submit your comments.
Vacancy for Systems Developer
Monday, May 11th, 2009UKOLN is currentlyadvertising for a Systems Developer to work on the Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) Project, part of the Shared Infrastructure Services strand of the JISC Information Environment Programme. Further details can be found on the UKOLN Web site. The closing date for applications is 22 May 2009.