Archive for the ‘Metadata’ Category
Thursday, August 30th, 2012
Jian Qin of Syracuse University will be presenting a paper co-authored by herself, Alex Ball of UKOLN and Jane Greenberg of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, at the 2012 DCMI International ConferenceĀ on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2012). In the paper, entitled Functional and Architectural Requirements for Metadata: Supporting Discovery and Management of Scientific Data, Qin, Ball and GreenbergĀ define systems requirements for metadata supporting the discovery and management of scientific data across multiple domains.
DC-2012 takes place on 3-7 September 2012 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia and forms part of Knowledge Technology Week 2012.
Tags: paper accepted
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Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
Emma Tonkin of UKOLN will give a tutorial entitled Dublin Core in Practice: From Application Profiles to the Semantic Web at DC-2011, the eleventh International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, taking place at the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague from 21 – 23 September 2011. Emma’s tutorial will provide an overview of the conceptual landscape of DCMI and examine the role of Dublin Core in the use of metadata. It will also provide practical examples of resource description, application profile development and other uses. Finally, the tutorial will take a look at how Dublin Core fits in with the world of Linked Data.
Tags: Dublin Core
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Friday, September 16th, 2011
Alex Ball of UKOLN will be co-chairing the Science and Metadata Community Workshop at DC-2011, the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. He will give an overview of scientific metadata for data publishing, citation, and curation, based on his work on the Scientific Data Application Profile Scoping Study and subsequent developments. The workshop will also feature a progress report on the development of a DataCite Dublin Core Application Profile (DC2AP) and discussions about metadata developments, issues, and challenges relating to scientific data.
Tags: data management
Posted in Metadata, Presentations, team-r&d | Comments Off
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
The JISC-funded CERIFy Project in which the lead partners are UKOLN and Trinity College Dublin, has announced the opening of its Web site. The CERIFy Project is funded by JISC from February to July 2011 to investigate how the CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) standard for Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) could be used more widely within the sector to manage research data, to increase such engagement to a critical mass, and to support an emerging community of practice in Research Information Management (RIM). Further information on CERIF, CERIFy and its partner institutions is available from the CERIFy Web site.
Tags: CERIF, CERIFy, Common European Research Information Format, CRIS, Current Research Information System, Research Information Management, RIM, Trinity College Dublin, UKOLN
Posted in Metadata, Projects, team-r&d | Comments Off
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
Picture This! is a one-day workshop taking place at Dev8D+ at 10a.m. on Tuesday 15 February 2011 in London and run jointly by the Metadata Forum and the Application Profiles Support Project. It will take place at University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY. The workshop will bring together developers and non-technical practitioners to explore the issues around image-based metadata. Starting with a programme of lightning talks where participants can share experiences, explain problems and pitch ideas, the day will focus on providing participants with practical solutions to image metadata problems. The workshop offers a unique opportunity for participants from a technical and non-technical background to work together to find ways to improve the delivery of services dealing with images. The event requires no previous experience, just an interest in metadata and images, and a willingness to explore working together.
There will be a developer challenge focusing on how image metadata can best be used to deliver the services that real, front-line Web services such as repositories, online image stores, etc need to offer their users. Prizes will be awarded for the most innovative and successful solutions developed during Dev8D as part of this challenge.
Places are limited, so please book early! The booking form and programme are already available.
The Twitter hashtag for the event is: #dev8dpic
More information about Dev8D+ is available.
Posted in Events, Metadata, Projects, team-r&d, Workshops | Comments Off
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
The recently completed 6th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC 2010
) has now released a range of material for viewing. It offers videos of keynotes, interviews with participants and other uploads as well as tweets (#idcc10) which have been aggregated at the Conference’s LIVE!
Posted in Conference, Digital Curation Centre, Dissemination, Events, Funders, Lecture, Metadata, Outreach, Presentations, Preservation, Research | Comments Off
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
The next meeting of the Metadata Forum will be on Friday 10 December at the University of York. It will look at the practical aspects of creating and managing metadata for complex objects. This event is free, though booking is essential. Priority will be given to delegates from UK HEIs, though people with an interest in the subject from other sectors are welcome if numbers allow. Further information and booking details are available from the UKOLN Events page.
Posted in Dissemination, Events, Metadata, Outreach, Workshops | Comments Off
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
The DCC recently held its first Regional Roadshow (south west) in Bath. Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, DCC, gave the opening plenary presentation entitled Evolution or revolution? The changing data landscape on the first day of the Roadshow which was devoted to looking at the Research Data Landscape and offered a selection of case studies highlighting different models, approaches and working practice. She also facilitated the participative workshop held on Day 2, which focused on developing institutional strategies for research data management. Liz’ presentation slides are available.
Posted in Conference, Digital Curation Centre, Dissemination, Events, Funders, Metadata, Presentations, Research | Comments Off
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
As part of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM-2010
) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Deborah Swain, Emma Tonkin and Linda Doll (moderator) will debate means, mechanisms and pitfalls in the sharing of health records in the US and UK. The panel
will take place at 3.30pm on Friday 22 October.
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