Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

The Cutting Edge of SWORD at OR 2009

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Adrian Stevenson of UKOLN and former UKOLN colleague Julie Allinson, University of York, will give a presentation entitled The Cutting Edge of SWORD at the forthcoming 4th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR 2009 external link) at the Georgia Institute of Technology over 18-21 May. The presentation will look at how the original SWORD (Simple Web service Offering Repository Deposit)) Project and the current SWORD 2 Project have realised the vision of a standard deposit protocol. The presentation will also consider the future of SWORD and look at recent activity.

Debate on Repositories and Open Source

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Michael Day and Alex Ball of UKOLN have contributed to a recent discussion of the role of open source software for institutional repositories as part of a special section on Institutional Repositories: The Great Debate published in the Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Vol. 53, No. 4 , April/May 2009 external link). Paul Jones of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supported the initial motion that Institutional repositories should be built on open source software, arguing passionately that any other choice would be “un-archival and unsustainable in the long run.” In their response, the UKOLN contributors recognised the value of the open source development paradigm, while arguing that the main focus of repositories should be fundamentally pragmatic and primarily focused on the stewardship of institutional content. The special issue includes three other discussion topics, with contributors including Stevan Harnad, Nancy McGovern and Soo Young Rieh.

SaaSy APIs at Museums and the Web 2009

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

A paper by Paul Walk of UKOLN entitled Software as a Service and Open APIs has been accepted for the M2009 Museums and the Web Conference to be held in Indianapolis, USA over 15-18 April 2009. This paper will form the background to a mini-workshop APIs – how and why which will be conducted by his colleague Brian Kelly. The workshop will consider ways in which open APIs and Software as a Service (SaaS) are being exploited within the sector and seek a better understanding of the best approaches to take to maximise the potential benefits of this technology.
Software as a Service and Open APIs by Paul Walk external link
Conference Biography: Paul Walk external link

e-Science Institute Workshop: Use Cases for Provenance

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 external link

The e-Science Institute (eSI) has announced a workshop entitled “Use Cases for Provenance” to take place in Edinburgh on Monday 20 April in Edinburgh. The aim of the workshop is to identify usage scenarios, open problems and ambitious goals for research concerning provenance in eScience and scientific data management. The workshop will be of interest to: scientific disciplines in which sophisticated database, Grid, or eScience technology is already in widespread use; disciplines where such technology is not widely used but conceivably will be in the future, and; to researchers and developers working on provenance and scientific data management or eScience technology. Speakers will include Alex Ball of UKOLN who will be presenting on the role of provenance in Engineering industries. The registration deadline is 13 April.

Launch of OPuS, the online archive for University of Bath research publications

Monday, February 9th, 2009

The University of Bath’s OPuS (Online Publications Store) service, the online archive for University of Bath research publications, was launched on 3 February 2009 by Professor Jane Millar, the University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research).

As described in a blog post UKOLN staff were in attendance at the launch and captured the talks about this new service on video.