My (Amplified) Talk at the CILIPS09 Conference
Posted by Brian Kelly on 10th June 2009
Last week I attended the CILIP Scotland 2009 conference which was held at the Peebles Hydro, Peebles. This conference built on the experiences gained from the ‘amplification’ of the recent CILIP Wales conference. The tag for the event (#cilips09) was used to aggregate tweets about the conference. In addition the Coveritelive live-blogging service (illustrated) was used to complement use of Twitter – this has the potential to allow comments to be made by people who do not have (or wish to have) a Twitter account.
Following the positive feedback I received from making available a video recording of my talk at the CILIP Wales conference I repeated this at the Scottish event. In addition as I was able to make use of Skype at the conference I asked my Twitter followers if anyone was interested in participating remotely. Ian Edelman responded and, as described in his blog post, found that being able to listen to a talk from afar had benefits, although there were a couple of areas in which improvements could be made.
Once again, for those who could not attend the conference or for those who were at the conference but attending the parallel session, my slides for the talk on ”From eLib to NOF-digi and Beyond“ are available on Slideshare (and embedded below).
In addition the video recording of my talk is available on Vimeo and embedded below. The video resources are also available on the UKOLN Web site.
Tags: #cilips09
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