Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, gave a keynote presentation entitled “Incremental Change or Revolution? Libraries and the Informatics Transform” at Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2012 at the University of Zadar, Croatia recently. Liz’ slides from this presentation are now available on the UKOLN Web site.
Incremental Change or Revolution?
June 25th, 2012 by lisrwDevCSI Developer Challenge at Open Repositories 2012
June 20th, 2012 by lisrwThe DevCSI Project (funded by JISC and based at the Innovation Support Centre, UKOLN, University of Bath) is pleased to announce that it is once again organising the Open Repositories Developer Challenge 2012 at the Seventh International Conference on Open Repositories in Edinburgh, OR 2012. We are working closely with the Repositories Fringe and the Challenge is kindly sponsored by Microsoft Research. Please note hash tags #or12dev #devcsi
The Challenge is taking place between Tuesday 10 July and Thursday 12 July, 2012. The Challenge is:
Show us something new and cool in the world of Open Repositories.
The initial deadline for your entry will be 10a.m., Tuesday 10 July 2012, which means you can start on your entry now!
You will then have a chance to pitch your idea to an audience or experts who will give you feedback. You will then be able to make changes to your idea and re-present it to a panel of judges the next day, Wednesday 11 July 2012. Winning entrants will present to the conference on Thursday 12 July 2012.
Prize money of £1000 is available for the winners and runners-up. There is an additional prize for the entry that demonstrates the most innovative use of Microsoft Technology (.Net Gadgeteer kit) which can also be submitted to the main Challenge above. We are hoping that we will be able to provide an opportunity for the winning team to meet up to complete its entry after the conference so that the community can benefit from it.
More information is available from the DevCSI Web site.
Digital Research 2012: Call for Contributions
June 19th, 2012 by lisrwDigital Research 2012 (formally the UK e-Science All-Hands Meeting) is being held in St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, over 10-12 September 2012. It is supported by the eResearch South Consortium, in which UKOLN is a partner.
The goal of the Digital Research 2012 Conference is to showcase today’s digital research practice and innovation, and to set an influential agenda for tomorrow. The Conference theme is the Future of Digital Research and the organisers invite short papers, stories and videos giving your glimpse of “Digital Research in the Future” in (and between) any disciplines. They encourage originality and forward-thinking, and there will be awards for the best-rated submissions.
Further information on the Call for Contributions is available from the Digital Research 2012 Web site.
UKOLN Contribution to the University of Bath’s Roadmap for EPSRC
June 18th, 2012 by lisrwLiz Lyon and Catherine Pink of the UKOLN Informatics Research Group have authored the University of Bath Roadmap for EPSRC: Compliance with Research Data Management Expectations. Full details are available from a news feature now available on the UKOLN Web site.
Patients Participate! at 6th Bloomsbury Conference
June 15th, 2012 by Monica DukeMonica Duke will be speaking about the Patients Participate! Project at the Scholarly Outreach, Impact and Outcomes: The Sixth UCL Bloomsbury Conference being held on 28-29 June 2012. The project investigated the feasibility of crowd-sourced lay summaries of scholarly articles between April and October 2011.
The Changing Role of the Developer in HE
June 12th, 2012 by lisrwPaul Walk, Director of the JISC Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN, was invited to give an invited plenary talk at the joint Sakai/Jasig Conference in Atlanta, in which he introduced the notion of the connected developer. Further details are available from the Innovation Support Centre blog.
Data Repositories Workshop at OR2012
June 12th, 2012 by Monica DukeThe Digital Curation Centre (DCC) in collaboration with the wider Research Data Management community is organising a free workshop on institutional data repositories in conjunction with Open Repositories 2012 , to be held in Edinburgh.
The key details are:
Institutional Repositories and Data Workshop – Roles and Responsibilities
Monday 9 July 2012 at 13.30
The workshop includes short presentations but the emphasis will be on informal and open discussion. Presentations will include an overview of activity in the UK as well as of the experience of US practitioners.
Further information and registration are now available.
We hope to see you there!
Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management
June 12th, 2012 by Alex BallThe Journal of Digital Information, Volume 13, Number 1 features several papers dealing with research data management, including one by Alex Ball of UKOLN and the Digital Curation Centre, and Mansur Darlington, Thomas Howard, Chris McMahon and Steve Culley of the IdMRC at the University of Bath. In “Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management”, they present a UML2-based method of recording associations between research data records, so that the provenance, context and relative importance of the various records may be better understood by anyone not immediately familiar with the research. This paper relates to work carried out by the JISC-funded ERIM Project.
Community Capability Model Framework White Paper
June 11th, 2012 by Monica DukeThe Community Capability Model Framework is a tool developed by UKOLN, University of Bath, and Microsoft Research. Its aims are to assist institutions, research funders and researchers in: growing the capability of their communities to perform data-intensive research by profiling the current readiness or capability of the community; indicating priority areas for change and investment; and developing roadmaps for achieving a target state of readiness.
A community consultation process was undertaken by the project to develop the framework, including workshops and mini case studies. The result of that process is now captured in a draft of the framework and you are invited to comment on the white paper through the A.nnotate system. The A.nnotate system supports interactive commenting, and the paper can be navigated through the page index which appears after hovering with the mouse underneath the pdf link at the top left.
Further information about the Community Capability Model Framework is available from the Project Web site.