JISC and DevCSI Know the Value of Local Developers

May 9th, 2011 by Paul Walk

In a recent post on the JISC blog, Paul Walk, Deputy Director, UKOLN, writes about the value that local developers in Further and Higher Education represent, describing how the JISC-funded DevCSI Project is working to expose and maximise this for the sector, and introduces the concept of the Strategic Developer.

DevCSI Free Cloud Services Workshop

May 6th, 2011 by lisrw

The DevCSI Project will run a free Cloud services workshop on Friday 27 May 2011 at the University of Southampton. It will give delegates an overview of Cloud technologies and showcase examples of how the technology is used in Further and Higher Education. It is designed for developers, Web developers and systems administrators and will cover the basics of commercial Linux cloud usage.

Further information and a booking form are available from the UKOLN Events page.

IWMW 2011 Open for Bookings

May 5th, 2011 by lisrw

UKOLN’s Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW 2011) is now open for bookings. It will be held at the University of Reading on 26-27 July 2011. Further information and details on booking are available from the associated UKOLN news feature.

UKOLN Update: April 2011

May 4th, 2011 by Thom Bunting

The recently released issue of UKOLN Update, a monthly newsletter, provides an overview of UKOLN work during April 2011.  It highlights key news features, blog posts, presentations, and events related to staff activities.

Wordle: Most frequently used words in UKOLN blogs, April 2011

Most frequently used words in UKOLN blogs, April 2011

Lifting the Lid on Linked Data at ELAG 2011

May 3rd, 2011 by Adrian Stevenson

Adrian Stevenson of UKOLN along with Jane Stevenson from Mimas will be speaking about the LOCAH Project at the European Library Automation Group Conference, which takes place in Prague, Czech Republic over 25-27 May 2011. They will give their presentation, entitled Lifting the Lid on Linked Data, on the opening day.

Report on Augmented Reality on Smartphones: Feedback Invited

April 28th, 2011 by Brian Kelly

Feedback is invited on a TechWatch report entitled Augmented Reality for Smartphones which has been commissioned by UKOLN. The report, which has been written by Ben Butchart, Edina, has been mentioned in the April issue of Wired by Bruce Sterling:

This is a fine piece of comprehensive research work. If you’re an AR developer or content guy, you’re gonna want a printout of this lying around, so you can brandish it at people. You’ll look like you know what you’re talking about!

Comments on the report are invited until Friday 6 May 2011. After that the final version of the report will be released.

ACCI Task Forces Report

April 20th, 2011 by lisrw

The six task forces established by the National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastucture (ACCI) have recently approved the final drafts of the reports on the areas in which they were asked to suggest recommendations and ideas for advancing cyberinfrastructure in support of NSF research. Those areas were:

  • Campus Bridging
  • Cyberlearning and Workforce Development
  • Data and Visualization
  • Grand Challenges
  • High Performance Computing
  • Software for Science and Engineering

These task forces were each led by ACCI members and their membership included a cross-section of members from both academic and industrial communities. Over a two-year period the task forces gathered broad community input via open workshops and meetings, solicitation of white papers, and other outreach efforts. Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, Digital Curation Centre, is a member of the ACCI Task Force on Data and Visualization. All six reports are available from the NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) Web site.

IDCC11: Call for Papers

April 19th, 2011 by lisbrr

The theme of the 7th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC11) will be Public? Private? Personal? navigating the open data landscape. It will take place this year in Bristol, UK over 5 – 7 December 2011.

Digital curation manages, maintains, preserves, and adds value to digital information throughout its lifecycle, reducing threats to long-term value, mitigating the risk of digital obsolescence and enhancing usefulness for research and scholarship. IDCC11 will bring together practitioners who create information, those who curate and manage it, and those who use it together with those who research and teach about curation processes.

In its Call for Papers the IDCC11 Programme Committee invites submissions on current concerns in digital curation and specific concerns arising from our conference theme.

Building a Data Citation Demonstrator for Bionetwork Models

April 18th, 2011 by lisrw

Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, DCC spoke on the SageCite Project and the new Patients Participate! Project at the recent Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress in San Francisco. She gave a presentation entitled Building a data citation demonstrator for bionetwork models which is now available.

Data Management Planning at ICED11

April 14th, 2011 by Alex Ball

A paper written by the ERIM Project team has been accepted for presentation at the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), to be held over 15-18 August 2011 in Copenhagen. The paper, Data Management Planning in Engineering Design and Manufacturing Research by Mansur Darlington, Alex Ball, Tom Howard, Chris McMahon and Steve Culley, will explain how the project characterised the nature of engineering research data and developed a modelling technique for visualising its context.

The ERIM Project is a JISC-funded collaboration between the Innovative Design and Manufacturing Research Centre at the University of Bath, and UKOLN in its capacity as part of the UK Digital Curation Centre.