OR 2011: Linked Data – The Future for Open Repositories?

June 1st, 2011 by Adrian Stevenson

Adrian Stevenson of UKOLN will be speaking about the LOCAH Project at the Open Repositories 2011 Conference, which takes place in Austin, Texas, USA over 6 – 11 June 2011. Adrian will give his 24×7 presentation, entitled Linked Data – The Future for Open Repositories?.

Metrics and Social Web Services Workshop: Booking Opens

May 31st, 2011 by Brian Kelly

UKOLN is organising a one-day workshop entitled “Metrics and Social Web Services: Quantitative Evidence for Their Use and Impact” which will be held at the Open University in Milton Keynes on Monday 11 July 2011.  The workshop will explore ways in which metrics related to the use of Social Web services can be employed in order to provide evidence of how the services are being used. It will also allow delegates to make comparisons with their peers as well as enable them to identify trends in usage.  Attendance at the workshop is free.  Bookings should be made using the online Eventbrite booking system.

The LOCAH Linked Data Project

May 26th, 2011 by lisrw

The JISC-funded LOCAH (Linked Open Copac and Archives Hub) Project recently announced the release of its first Linked Data set. The Project is also involved in a round of presentations and conference participation. Full details and further information are now available in a News feature on the UKOLN Web site.

Last Spaces on DevCSI Free Cloud Services Workshop

May 25th, 2011 by lisrw

The DevCSI Project will run a free Cloud services workshop on Friday 27 May 2011 at the University of Southampton. Only a very few places now remain; bookings will cease at 12 noon tomorrow, Thursday 26 May. So please book now to avoid disappointment.

The workshop will give delegates an overview of Cloud technologies and showcase examples of how the technology is used in Further and Higher Education. It is designed for developers, Web developers and systems administrators and will cover the basics of commercial Linux cloud usage.

Further information and a booking form are available from the UKOLN Events page.

LOCAH and LOD-LAM: Linked Open Data Summit

May 23rd, 2011 by Adrian Stevenson

The International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit (“LOD-LAM”) will take place over 2-3 June  2011 in San Francisco, USA. It will ‘convene leaders in their respective areas of expertise from the humanities and sciences to catalyze practical, actionable approaches to publishing Linked Open Data.’

Adrian Stevenson of UKOLN is an invited expert and member of the organising committee for the Summit. He will also be presenting on the JISC-funded LOCAH (Linked Open Copac and Archives Hub) Project at the Summit.

Understanding Use of the Social Web

May 19th, 2011 by Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly has been invited to give a presentation entitled Metrics for Understanding Personal and Institutional Use of the Social Web by the workshop on Digital Impacts: How to Measure and Understand the Usage and Impact of Digital Content. The workshop, organised by the Oxford Internet Institute, will take place on 20 May 2011 at Jesus College, Oxford.  Further information on Brian’s talk is available from his recent blog post.

Release of TechWatch Report on Augmented Reality for Smartphones

May 18th, 2011 by lisrw

A new TechWatch report entitled Augmented Reality for Smartphones has now been released. It was commissioned by UKOLN as part of JISC Observatory work. Full details are available in a UKOLN news feature.

SageCite at Data Citation Principles Workshop

May 16th, 2011 by Monica Duke

Monica Duke will be giving a short presentation entitled SageCite: Citation principles in practice when modelling disease networks at the Data Citation Principles Workshop taking place at IQSS, Harvard University, 16-17 May, 2011.  The talk will review some of the lessons that SageCite has learnt about the domain of disease modelling and will explore some challenges in applying the principles of data citation.

CERIFy Data Surgery Will Report

May 13th, 2011 by Stephanie Taylor

This two-day invitation-only event will be held in Bath over 19-20 May as part of the  CERIFy Project and will facilitate discussion of data, CERIF mappings and general networking for all project partners. Although this event is only open to the CERIFy Project partners, the discussions and workshop outputs from this data surgery will be made publicly available after the event. Please check the CERIFy Project Web site for further information. These outputs will be announced through this channel as well as the project Web site.

The CERIFy Project is funded by JISC from February to July 2011 to investigate how the CERIF Standard (Common European Research Information Format) for Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) could be used more widely within the sector in order to manage research data, to increase such engagement to a critical mass, and to support an emerging community of practice in Research Information Management (RIM).

CERIFy is working with four pilot UK HE institutions and one international commercial organisation (Thomson Reuters), which do not as yet have working CRIS systems based on the CERIF data format. The project will evaluate, test and demonstrate CERIF in a practical, ‘end-to-end’ process of people-centred organisational modelling, requirements elicitation, data analysis, data mapping, data exchange, and software demonstration, together with a programme of training, support, evaluation and dissemination.

SCA Report Features Case Study of Use of Social Media at IWMW 2010

May 10th, 2011 by Brian Kelly

The JISC Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) blog has recently published a post entitled Maximising online resource effectiveness in which reference is made to a report in PDF format of the same name. This SCA report includes in Section 10 a case study on the use of social media in support of UKOLN’s annual Institutional Web Management Workshop of last year (IWMW 2010).