Adoption of CERIF in Higher Education Institutions in the UK: A Landscape Study by Rosemary Russell of UKOLN has just been published and is available in both PDF and Word formats. This study documents the extent of adoption and engagement with CERIF in UK Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in late 2011/early 2012. CERIF, the Common European Research Information Format provides a standardised way of managing and exchanging information about research. 51 institutions in the UK are using CERIF Current Research Information Systems (CRIS), indicating a 30.7% adoption of CERIF. However despite the widespread use of CERIF as an underlying standard, many institutions are not engaging with CERIF directly.
Archive for the ‘team-r&d’ Category
Adoption of CERIF in UK HEIs
Thursday, March 15th, 2012The International Journal of Digital Curation, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2012)
Thursday, March 15th, 2012UKOLN has recently published Volume 7, Issue 1 (2012) of the International Journal of Digital Curation (IJDC) on behalf of the Digital Curation Centre. A summary of content has been provided in a news feature available on the UKOLN Web site.
Research360 Project Underway
Wednesday, March 14th, 2012The joint University of Bath- and UKOLN-based Research360 Project is now fully up and running.
Research360 is one of a number of projects being funded through the JISC Managing Research Data Programme. It is an institutional project designed to pilot policies, infrastructure and training resources to provide high-quality support for research. Further details are available from a news feature on the UKOLN Web site.
UKOLN Contributions to CERIF Tutorial
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012Catherine Pink and Rosemary Russell of UKOLN will be contributing to the CERIF Tutorial and UK Data Surgery on Thursday 9 February in Bath. Catherine will be giving a short introduction to the JISC-funded Research360 Project during the data surgery, demonstrating how the project aims to explore the use of CERIF in research data management. Rosemary will contribute to the CERIF tutorial during the morning by providing a brief overview of the UK CERIF landscape. She has also written a news feature on the importance of CERIF to UK Higher Education institutions which is available on the UKOLN Web site.
The Importance of CERIF to UK HEIs
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012UKOLN will host meetings in Bath on the the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) in February 2012 as a means of supporting better understanding of the use and benefits of this model to the UK Higher Education community. A news feature on CERIF and these meetings is available on the UKOLN Web site.
CERIF Meetings in Bath
Monday, January 9th, 2012UKOLN is hosting a series of meetings based on CERIF, the Common European Research Information Format, in co-operation with euroCRIS and JISC. The first is a CERIF tutorial and UK data surgery, to be held on 9 February 2012, followed by euroCRIS task group meetings on 10 February, both in the city of Bath. Participation is open, and all those involved in research information management are strongly encouraged to take the opportunity to strengthen their understanding of CERIF and explore real-life data scenarios, as well as to contribute UK experience to related euroCRIS task groups.
Data Management at the Daresbury Machine Evaluation Workshop
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011Alex Ball of UKOLN and the UK Digital Curation Centre (DCC) will be speaking at a breakout session on data management at the 22nd Daresbury Machine Evaluation Workshop. He will provide an overview of the tools and support offered by the DCC for research data management, and demonstrate how data management plans can be designed using the DMP Online service.
International Journal of Digital Curation, Volume 6, Issue 2
Friday, October 7th, 2011UKOLN has just published – on behalf of the UK Digital Curation Centre – Volume 6, Issue 2 of the International Journal of Digital Curation. This issue features seven peer-reviewed papers and eleven general articles. A news feature providing a summary is available from the UKOLN Web site.
IMPACT/myGrid Hackathon
Friday, October 7th, 2011Bookings are now open for a free 2-day developer workshop/hackathon which aims to encourage take-up and further development of tools developed by the IMPACT Project. The workshop is intended for developers and implementers. It will allow them to take a closer look at the tools available and investigate new solutions and features that could be developed for the benefit of the wider community.
Full details including how to book your place are available in a news feature on the UKOLN Web site.