Marieke Guy will be facilitating a workshop entitled Connecting Remote Workers at UCISA’s Advisory and Support Staff Symposium 2009 DEMOS . The symposium will take place from 7 – 8 July at the Aston Business School Conference Centre, Birmingham. The theme for this year is “It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it”, so flexible ways of working will feature significantly.
Archive for the ‘Outreach’ Category
Connecting Remote Workers for UCISA
Monday, June 29th, 2009The “Edgeless University: Why Higher Education Must Embrace Technology” Report
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009Brian Kelly was interviewed for the “Edgeless University” DEMOS report, which was launched by the JISC on 23 June 2009. The report calls for a more strategic approach to technological investment in the Higher Education sector.
Data Informatics Top Ten at i-expo
Thursday, June 18th, 2009Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, recently gave a presentation in Paris entitled Data Informatics Top Ten: (for Libraries) during the 2009 i-expo session E-Research / E-Infrastructure and roles for libraries and the scientific information community. Liz’ presentation is now available.
Improving Services and Reducing Costs through Flexible Working
Wednesday, June 17th, 2009Marieke Guy, UKOLN Remote Worker Champion, will be presenting at a one-day workshop Improving Services and Reducing Costs through Flexible Working. The event organised by Public Sector Forums will take place at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham on Tuesday 23 June 2009. Marieke, who was invited to speak as a consequence of her work on the Ramblings of a Remote Worker blog, will give a talk entitled How to Be a Connected Remote Worker in 10 Easy Steps. Resources from the day and follow-up blog posts will be published on her blog after the event.
Team Science at ICSTI 2009
Tuesday, June 9th, 2009Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, spoke recently on Libraries and Team Science at the 2009 conference of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) in Ottawa. In her presentation Liz examined the roles that libraries and information professionals can play in the changing landscape of multi-scale, multi-disciplinary and multi-skilled team science. Slides from this presentation are now available.
IDCC 2009 Call for Papers
Thursday, June 4th, 2009The DCC invites submission of full papers, posters, workshops and demos to the 5th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC 2009). It also welcomes contributions and participation from individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines and domains that are engaged in the creation, use and management of digital data, especially those involved in the challenge of curating data for e-science and e-research. Proposals will be considered for short (up to 6 pages) or long (up to 12 pages) papers and also for demonstrations, workshops and posters. The full text of papers will be peer-reviewed; abstracts for all posters, workshops and demos will be reviewed by the co-chairs. Final copy of accepted contributions will be made available to conference delegates, and papers will be published in our International Journal of Digital Curation .
IWMW 2009: Places Going Fast
Thursday, May 21st, 2009SaaSy APIs at Museums and the Web 2009
Thursday, March 26th, 2009A paper by Paul Walk of UKOLN entitled Software as a Service and Open APIs has been accepted for the M2009 Museums and the Web Conference to be held in Indianapolis, USA over 15-18 April 2009. This paper will form the background to a mini-workshop APIs – how and why which will be conducted by his colleague Brian Kelly. The workshop will consider ways in which open APIs and Software as a Service (SaaS) are being exploited within the sector and seek a better understanding of the best approaches to take to maximise the potential benefits of this technology.
Software as a Service and Open APIs by Paul Walk
Conference Biography: Paul Walk
The Tools of Our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC
Monday, March 23rd, 2009
Ann Chapman of UKOLN recently gave a guest lecture on Resource Description and Access (RDA) to students taking the cataloguing module of the Library and Information Science course at London Metropolitan University. Entitled “The Tools of Our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC”, the lecture covered the history behind RDA, the international collaborative process by which it is being developed, an overview of the text and a look at the RDA approach to cataloguing. This was followed by an overview of the history and development process for the MARC format. Slides from this presentation are now available.