Ann Chapman of UKOLN will be speaking on the development of RDA at the CILIP Executive Briefing on Resource Description and Access to be held on 23 March 2010 at CILIP HQ in London. The Briefing will be of interest to senior managers, cataloguing managers, cataloguers and the supplier community.
Archive for the ‘Bibliographic Management’ Category
Times Higher Highlights Web 2.0 Tools for Research
Monday, January 18th, 2010A recent item from the Times Higher Education
covers the emergence of the Web 2.0 tools Mendeley and Zotero and their level of support and deployment in the management of research papers online. Cameron Neylon, University of Southampton, advocated their use: “You can use them to deal with the quantity of information scientists need to keep track of and identify collaborators with complementary interests.”
The author also turned to other organisations for their views, pointing to the study conducted by JISC and the Research Information Network (RIN)
entitled Communicating knowledge: how and why researchers publish and disseminate their findings
which stated that take-up by academics was lower than anticipated. Neil Jacobs of JISC indicated there were interesting examples of usage by researchers of such technologies but that, “what is appropriate in one field of research may not be appropriate in another”. Liz Lyon of UKOLN advised that a further obstacle to adoption lay in the area of trust: “Academics can be concerned that they will be ‘scooped’ and so there is a reluctance to share. You may find people will share information with known contacts, but are wary about opening themselves up on the Internet.” Branwen Hide, RIN, remarked that “academics like things to be quick and simple and if a product isn’t, they won’t use it”.
Cameron Neylon summarised the benefits of Mendeley and Zotero by adding, “.. Essentially, you’re doing the same things you would have done previously but much more quickly and with access to many more people and items.”
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining?
Wednesday, October 14th, 2009The Call for Papers has opened for the CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group (CIG) Conference to be held 13-15 September 2010 in Exeter. Proposals should be submitted by 26 February 2010. Conference organisation will be by UKOLN.
The Tools of Our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC
Monday, March 23rd, 2009
Ann Chapman of UKOLN recently gave a guest lecture on Resource Description and Access (RDA) to students taking the cataloguing module of the Library and Information Science course at London Metropolitan University. Entitled “The Tools of Our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC”, the lecture covered the history behind RDA, the international collaborative process by which it is being developed, an overview of the text and a look at the RDA approach to cataloguing. This was followed by an overview of the history and development process for the MARC format. Slides from this presentation are now available.
Resource Description and Access: Cataloguing in the 21st Century
Wednesday, March 4th, 2009
Ann Chapman of UKOLN recently gave a guest lecture on RDA to students taking the cataloguing module of the Library and Information Science course at University College London (UCL). Entitled “RDA: cataloguing in the 21st century”, the lecture covered the history behind RDA, the international collaborative process by which it is being developed, an overview of the text and a look at the RDA approach to cataloguing. Slides from this presentation are now available.