Carole Goble, TICER Digital Libraries a la Carte tutorial series, 27 July 2010, Tilburg, The Netherlands, http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/institutes-and-research-groups/ticer/2010/
UK Digital Curation Centre: enabling research data management at the coalface
Dr Liz Lyon, Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2010, Redmond, Washington, USA, July 2010
Presentation: [HTML] [Powerpoint]
Carole Goble, Invited Keynote, 9th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Cardiff, UK, 13-16 September 2010.
British Library Datasets Programme
Max Wilkinson, JISC Winter School on Repositories, February 2011
Presentation: [Slideshare]
Carole Goble, Research Information Network meeting 18 March 2011, Royal Society of Physicians, London
Carole Goble, US National Centre for BioMedical Ontologies Webinar
SageCite Project
Monica Duke, JISC MRD International Workshop 28-29 March 2011, Aston Business School, Birmingham
Blog Post http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/sagecite/2011/04/06/jisc-mrd-international-workshop/
Presentation [Slideshare]
Powerpoint available on request.
SageCite Building a data citation demonstrator for bionetwork models
Liz Lyon, Peter Li, Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress 2011 15-16 April 2011 Mission Bay Conference Centre at UCSF, San Francisco
Blog Post http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/sagecite/2011/05/04/sagecite-presentation-at-the-sage-congress/
Presentation [Pdf on Sage Congress Site] [Powerpoint] [Video Stream]
Citation principles in practice when modelling disease networks
Monica Duke, Data Citation Principles Workshop May 16 – May 17, 2011, IQSS at Harvard University
Blog Post http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/sagecite/2011/05/16/data-citation-principles-harvard/
Presentation [Pdf on Data Principles Workshop Site]
Powerpoint available on request.
Carole Goble, ForestTRAC workshop on Interoperability and Integration of Databases in Europe and North America 23-24 May 2011 http://www.foresttrac.eu/
Carole Goble, NCI-NCRI Joint meeting, Wellcome Trust, London, 13-14 June 2011
Carole Goble, Keynote: IEEE SERVICES 2011, July 4-9, 2011, Washington, DC, USA http://www.servicescongress.org/2011/
SageCite Case Study
Monica Duke, KRDS/I2S2 Digital Preservation Benefit Analysis Tools Project Dissemination Workshop, 12 July, 2011, SouthBank University, London, UK Presentation [Powerpoint]
Planned presentations and events from August 2011 onwards
Carole Goble Monash e-Research Centre, 3 August 2011
Carole Goble, SciFooCamp (organised by Google, NPG and O’Reilly Publishing), Aug 12-14 2011, GooglePlex, Mountainview, California, USA
Carole Goble and Phil Bourne, Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar 11331: Perspectives Workshop: The Future of Research Communication, Aug 15-18 2011, Dagstuhl, Germany http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=11331
Monica Duke, Symposium on Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards August 22-23, 2011, Berkeley, CA.
Presentation available from http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/brdi/PGA_064019
Short report: http://www.codata.org/resources/newsletters/Newsletter_102.pdf
UK activity in implementing DataCite services, a project driven approach.
Max Wilkinson, DataCite summer meeting Berkeley CA, 24-25 Aug 2011.
Carole Goble, Keynote IC3K 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Management http://www.ic3k.org/

The Campanile on the campus at UC Berkeley, viewed from the meeting room of the National Academy of Sciences International Symposium
Members of the project also participated in these other events:
Monica Duke Science Online 2010, British Library, UK
Monica Duke, Liz Lyon JISC MRD launch event, London, October 2010
Blog Post: http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/sagecite/2010/10/23/jisc-launch-workshop-jisrmd-22nd-october/
Monica Duke, Beyond The PDF Workshop: January 19-21, 2011 University of California San Diego https://sites.google.com/site/beyondthepdf/
Peter Li, Tom Pollard, DataCite Users Meeting British Library 4 April 2011 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue67/datacite-2011-rpt/
Tom Pollard Beyond Impact Wellcome Trust, 9-11 May 2011 http://beyond-impact.org/?page_id=64
Monica Duke, Max WIlkinson, ORCID Participants Meeting, Harvard May 2011 http://orcid.org/civicrm/event/info?id=1&reset=1
Tom Pollard, SameAs.Us on reputation in the digital age. May 2011, London http://sameas.us/events/may_2011.html
Carole Goble was a judge of the Elsevier Executable Paper Challenge http://www.executablepapers.com/
and participated in the workshop at ICCS http://www.iccs-meeting.org/
Carole Goble, BioDBCore workshop at ISMB 2011, Vienna, Austria, July 17-19, 2011 http://biocurator.org/biodbcore.shtml
Liz Lyon has talked about SageCite in the DCC Roadshows.

Liz Lyon presenting at the DCC Roadshow, Bath, November 2010
Photo: by courtesy of Marieke Guy, UKOLN