JISC Beginner's Guide to Digital Preservation

…creating a pragmatic guide to digital preservation for those working on JISC projects

Supporting long-term access to digital content

Posted by Marieke Guy on January 28th, 2011

The MLA has recently released a principles paper on Supporting long term access to Digital Material.

“At a time when digital formats are increasingly important, it is vital to ensure they are sustainable and accessible over the long term. This is equally the case for materials that originate in digital format, and for those that originate in different forms which are then digitally reformatted.”

The paper, commisssioned by the MLA, was produced on its behalf by Collections Trust, in collaboration with the following organisations:

The National Archives; Heritage Lottery Fund; Archaeology Data Service; The British Library; Collections Trust; Digital Preservation Coalition; Museums Galleries Scotland; Joint Information Systems Committee; UKOLN.

The principles will be supplemented by guidance and other tools to support long term access to digital material across the sector and promoted using a joint advocacy and marketing plan.