JISC Beginner's Guide to Digital Preservation

…creating a pragmatic guide to digital preservation for those working on JISC projects

Getting a Structure in Place

Posted by Marieke Guy on May 24th, 2010

Last week I took some time out to brainstorm on a structure for the JISC Beginner’s Guide to Digital Preservation. The nice weather meant I could sit out in the garden and use my felt tips to create some useful mind maps. I now have a working structure which I hope to confirm this week after I’ve run it by a colleague.

The relatively short time-scale and limited people resources for this project have meant that the engagement I can have with my audience is limited. I have had to be selective about what I do and am relying heavily on data that is already out there rather than trying to gather my own. I probably won’t be able to run a survey of project workers in order to establish where their digital preservation needs lie – though there is a lot of information already available in this area (for example the Digital Preservation Coalition Mind the Gap survey was very useful, no need to read it all, this Ariadne article offers a useful summary). However I do intend to engage JISC project staff slightly further down the line and will be asking for feedback on the areas I propose covering.

Of course people are always welcome to comment on this blog.

One Response to “Getting a Structure in Place”

  1. JISC Beginner's Guide to Digital Preservation » Blog Archive » A Structure for the Guide Says:

    [...] in May I wrote about my brain storming session and how I’d got a rough structure in place. I’ve now written the majority of the guide [...]