In association with the JISC Observatory, the Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN has announced a call for comments on the latest TechWatch report to be produced. Preparing for Effective Adoption and Use of eBooks in Education is now available in its preview version together with a summary of its content and significance in a blog post on the ISC Web site. Further details are available in a news feature on the UKOLN Web site.
Archive for the ‘Publications’ Category
TechWatch Report on eBooks in Education: Call for Comments
Friday, September 28th, 2012Launch of JISC TechWatch Report: Preparing for Data-driven Infrastructure
Monday, September 17th, 2012The JISC Observatory has published a report on “Preparing for Data-driven Infrastructure” which offers institutions advice on approaches to managing the increasing demands on their business and other data.
The report describes ways in which institutions can respond to strategic drivers in order to adopt a more data-centric approach across a range of development activities. The report includes a description of data-centric architectures, an overview of tools and technologies including APIs, Linked Data and NoSQL, together with a review of architectural approaches which institutions will need to consider when responding to requirements for greater transparency in their business processes.
Ariadne Issue 69 Published
Friday, August 3rd, 2012Ariadne Issue 69 has been published with a range of features, event reports and reviews, whose content is now far more accessible since the advent of the new Ariadne platform. Further information on work in this area as well as a report on the recent JISC RIM CERIF Workshop run by UKOLN is available from a post on the Innovation Support Centre site. Additionally, further information is available on event reports by UKOLN staff from a post on the Informatics Research Group site. For full information on the main features offered in the new issue, please see the news feature on the UKOLN Web site.
JISC RIM CERIF Workshop Report
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012The Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN (together with the JISC RIM and RCSI Programmes) organised a workshop in Bristol on 27-28 June 2012 on Research Information Management (RIM) and CERIF. The Innovation Support Centre has just published a blog posting on this event. Further details are available from the ISC blog.
Patients Participate! Invitation to Comment
Wednesday, July 4th, 2012The Patients Participate! Project has released two documents for open community review. The first is a guide to writing Lay Summaries, and forms part of the DCC series of How-To Guides, pitched at an intermediate level, offering practical advice. The second draft released for comment is a Briefing Paper on Citizen Science, also being released as part of the DCC Briefing Papers series. Both documents can be reviewed using the A.nnotate Web site which supports interactive commenting. The papers can be navigated through the page index which appears after hovering with the mouse underneath the pdf link at the top left of the A.nnotate page.
Report on Data-driven Infrastructure
Thursday, June 28th, 2012The JISC Observatory service, provided by the Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN and JISC CETIS, has announced the publication of a preview version of the TechWatch report entitled Preparing for Data-driven Infrastructure. Details of the report and how to send feedback on it are available on the ISC Web site.
UKOLN Contribution to the University of Bath’s Roadmap for EPSRC
Monday, June 18th, 2012Liz Lyon and Catherine Pink of the UKOLN Informatics Research Group have authored the University of Bath Roadmap for EPSRC: Compliance with Research Data Management Expectations. Full details are available from a news feature now available on the UKOLN Web site.
Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012The Journal of Digital Information, Volume 13, Number 1 features several papers dealing with research data management, including one by Alex Ball of UKOLN and the Digital Curation Centre, and Mansur Darlington, Thomas Howard, Chris McMahon and Steve Culley of the IdMRC at the University of Bath. In “Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management”, they present a UML2-based method of recording associations between research data records, so that the provenance, context and relative importance of the various records may be better understood by anyone not immediately familiar with the research. This paper relates to work carried out by the JISC-funded ERIM Project.
Community Capability Model Framework White Paper
Monday, June 11th, 2012The Community Capability Model Framework is a tool developed by UKOLN, University of Bath, and Microsoft Research. Its aims are to assist institutions, research funders and researchers in: growing the capability of their communities to perform data-intensive research by profiling the current readiness or capability of the community; indicating priority areas for change and investment; and developing roadmaps for achieving a target state of readiness.
A community consultation process was undertaken by the project to develop the framework, including workshops and mini case studies. The result of that process is now captured in a draft of the framework and you are invited to comment on the white paper through the A.nnotate system. The A.nnotate system supports interactive commenting, and the paper can be navigated through the page index which appears after hovering with the mouse underneath the pdf link at the top left.
Further information about the Community Capability Model Framework is available from the Project Web site.
Ariadne Re-launch: ISC Delivers Enriched Content
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012The Innovation Support Centre has published a blog posting on the appearance of the re-launched Ariadne with particular emphasis on the new features that the ISC has developed to the benefit of readers and authors alike. The post is now available on the Innovation Support Centre Web site.