UKOLN and Microsoft Research Connections have begun co-operation on a project entitled “Community Capability Model for Data-Intensive Research”. Activities from this partnership will be of interest to researchers, digital repository managers, staff from library, information and research organisations, data curators, data centre managers, data scientists, research funding organisations and research networks. Further details are available in a news feature on the UKOLN Web site.
Archive for the ‘director’ Category
UKOLN and Microsoft Research Connections in Partnership
Tuesday, September 6th, 2011The Challenges for Libraries and HEIs at SCURL AGM and AwayDay
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, delivered a presentation at the recent Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries AGM and AwayDay held at the University of Glasgow. Her talk described the research data landscape and the associated challenges for libraries and Higher Education institutions. This event was followed by a Digital Curation Centre (DCC) Roadshow at the same location. Liz’s slides are now available.
ACCI Task Forces Report
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011The six task forces established by the National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastucture (ACCI) have recently approved the final drafts of the reports on the areas in which they were asked to suggest recommendations and ideas for advancing cyberinfrastructure in support of NSF research. Those areas were:
- Campus Bridging
- Cyberlearning and Workforce Development
- Data and Visualization
- Grand Challenges
- High Performance Computing
- Software for Science and Engineering
These task forces were each led by ACCI members and their membership included a cross-section of members from both academic and industrial communities. Over a two-year period the task forces gathered broad community input via open workshops and meetings, solicitation of white papers, and other outreach efforts. Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, Digital Curation Centre, is a member of the ACCI Task Force on Data and Visualization. All six reports are available from the NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) Web site.
Building a Data Citation Demonstrator for Bionetwork Models
Monday, April 18th, 2011Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, DCC spoke on the SageCite Project and the new Patients Participate! Project at the recent Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress in San Francisco. She gave a presentation entitled Building a data citation demonstrator for bionetwork models which is now available.
Liz Lyon Speaking at Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress, San Francisco
Thursday, April 7th, 2011Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, will be speaking on the SageCite Project and the new Patients Participate! Project at the Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress in San Francisco on 15 – 16 April 2011.
The Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress brings together research and industry leaders, policy and IT experts, patient advocates, foundations and governments to work on programs and platforms that will create a disruptive transition in data sharing and public engagement.
Sage Bionetworks and are offering a free live webcast of the Congress platform sessions, allowing anyone to attend the virtual conference:
Date: 15 – 16 April 2011 beginning at 8:00 AM PDT
Webcast URL:
Please see the Congress Agenda for presentation timings. For more information and background on Sage Bionetworks and the Commons Congress, go to the and Web sites.
The Research Data Challenge
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011Liz Lyon will facilitate the opening plenary session entitled Facing the Data Challenge : Institutions, Disciplines, Services and Risks on the second day of the 2nd DCC Roadshow being held over 1 – 3 March 2011 at the Halifax Conference Centre, Sheffield. The theme of the day will be The Research Data Challenge: Developing an Institutional Response and will comprise a series of group work exercises supported by plenary sessions. She will then facilitate the opening plenary of the afternoon programme entitled Building Capacity and Capability in your Institution: Skills, Roles, Resources. The Programme and further information are available from the Digital Curation Centre Web site.
Institutional Challenges in the Data Decade
Monday, February 28th, 2011Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, DCC and Director of UKOLN will speak on The Changing Data Landscape at the beginning of the first day of the 2nd DCC Roadshow to be held over 1 – 3 March 2011 at the Halifax Conference Centre, Sheffield. The theme of this second regional roadshow is Institutional Challenges in the Data Decade while Day One will consider The Research Data Landscape. The Programme and further information are available from the Digital Curation Centre Web site.