Archive for February 3rd, 2012

Partnerships in Curating European Digital Resources

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Partnerships in curating European digital resources is the theme of the 2nd LIBER International Workshop on Digital Preservation, which will take place over 7-8 May 2012 in Florence, Italy. Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, will be giving a presentation entitled Partnering for Research Data on the first morning of the Workshop programme.

The Workshop is being organised by the LIBER Steering Committee for Heritage Collections and Preservation in collaboration with the Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale in Florence and the National Library of the Netherlands.

The upcoming Workshop theme is something of a response to the unmistakable advice ‘Do not go at this game alone’, which was given to LIBER libraries at the end of the first LIBER workshop on digital preservation in The Hague in 2010. Since then, the Euro crisis and budget cuts have only exacerbated the need to seek partnerships in securing long-term access to digital collections. But with whom can you partner? How does it work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of partnering?

This workshop will provide an overview of the best-known collaborative initiatives: the stakeholders involved, the basic set-ups, the legal foundations, the business models – and help delegates analyse which options are best suited to their organisation, type of collection and national culture. It will deal with organisational issues, as well as legal, financial and technical issues that will influence their choices. Critical questions will be asked by experts in the field, and there will be plenty of time for delegates to ask their own questions. Lastly, the workshop will showcase a variety of best practices.

The intention is that delegates will go home with a keen understanding of the types of collaborative practices available which will enable them to start discussing long-term preservation policies with their management team.

Details of the programme, registration information and information on hotels can be obtained from the Workshop Web page.

Information about the programme, speakers and content of the workshop may be obtained from Marcel Ras.

For information about the Workshop organisation, you are invited to contact Chiara Cirinnà.