Archive for August 9th, 2011

KRDS Digital Preservation Benefits Analysis Toolkit Version 2

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

The JISC-funded KRDS-I2S2 Digital Preservation Benefits Analysis Tools Project is pleased to announce a new version of the KRDS-I2S2 Toolset (version 2). The worksheets, guidance documentation and exemplar test cases can be downloaded from the Project Web site.

The Toolkit consists of two tools: the KRDS Benefits Framework (Tool 1); and the Value-chain and Benefits Impact tool (Tool 2). Each tool consists of a detailed guide and worksheet(s). Both tools have drawn on partner case studies and previous work on benefits and impact for digital curation/preservation. This experience has provided a series of common examples of generic benefits that are employed in both tools for users to modify or add to as required.

The KRDS Benefits Framework (Tool 1) is the “entry-level” tool requiring less experience and effort to implement and can be used as a stand-alone tool in many tasks. It can also be the starting point and provide input to the use of the Value-chain and Impact analysis.

The Value-chain and Benefits Impact analysis (Tool 2) is the more advanced tool in the Toolkit and requires more experience and effort to implement. It is likely to be most useful in a smaller sub-set of longer-term and intensive activities such as evaluation and strategic planning.

The combined Toolkit provides a very flexible set of tools, worksheets, and lists of examples of generic benefits and potential metrics. These are available for use in different combinations appropriate to needs and level of expertise.

Guides for the toolkit and each individual tool and case studies of completed examples of the worksheets provide documentation and support for your own implementation. They are also available from the Project Web site.

Free DevCSI Workshop: Agile Prototyping Techniques

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

DevCSI and Hedtek are organising a one-day workshop on agile prototyping in Bristol, to be held on Tuesday 23 August 2011. The workshop is designed for developers, their managers and senior managers who are interested in the range of paper-based techniques currently in use.

The day will include sessions on:

  • The use of card-based techniques in agile development
  • The use of (and co-development) of paper prototypes with users
  • The ergonomics of doing design
  • Development of sketching ability, encompassing both paper and whiteboards

A free lunch and refreshments will be provided. Further information and a booking form are available on the UKOLN Web site.