The six task forces established by the National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastucture (ACCI) have recently approved the final drafts of the reports on the areas in which they were asked to suggest recommendations and ideas for advancing cyberinfrastructure in support of NSF research. Those areas were:
- Campus Bridging
- Cyberlearning and Workforce Development
- Data and Visualization
- Grand Challenges
- High Performance Computing
- Software for Science and Engineering
These task forces were each led by ACCI members and their membership included a cross-section of members from both academic and industrial communities. Over a two-year period the task forces gathered broad community input via open workshops and meetings, solicitation of white papers, and other outreach efforts. Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN and Associate Director, Digital Curation Centre, is a member of the ACCI Task Force on Data and Visualization. All six reports are available from the NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) Web site.