Posts Tagged ‘IWMW’

IWMW 2013: Open for Bookings

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

Bookings are now open for the IWMW 2013 event.  This is the 17th in the series of Institutional Web Management Workshops. This year’s event will be held at the University of Bath over 26-28 June.

A blog post provides a summary of the plenary talks to be given at the event on a day-by-day basis, while a UKOLN news feature supplies an overview of the IWMW 2013 speakers.

Note that, in addition to the 13 plenary talks, there are 9 parallel sessions on Day One and 8 on Day Two, each planned for 90 minutes. On offer is a variety of group discussions, exercises and practical sessions. Participants will need to consult the programme to select their preferred parallel session for each day before beginning their booking.


Call for Submissions to IWMW 2012

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

UKOLN’s Institutional Web Management Workshop 2012 event will be held at the University of Edinburgh over 18-20 June 2012. IWMW, designed for practitioners involved in the provision of institutional Web services, has been running for 15 years and is the main event for those with responsibilities for managing, maintaining and developing a range of online services based on Web technologies.

The call for submissions, including proposals for plenary talks and workshop sessions, together with other ideas (panel sessions, debates, etc.) is now available.

A blog post which provides more background information on the Call is available from the UK Web Focus blog.

Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011 Blog Now Live

Monday, June 27th, 2011

The blog serving IWMW 2011 has now gone live and organisers Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly are already inviting posts. Information on how to contact them and the full background to the development and use of the IWMW blog is available in a News feature on the UKOLN Web site.

IWMW 2011 Open for Bookings

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

UKOLN’s Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW 2011) is now open for bookings. It will be held at the University of Reading on 26-27 July 2011. Further information and details on booking are available from the associated UKOLN news feature.