Installation notes on ipython-notebook
ipython-notebook is a nice piece of kit, a sort of user-friendly pocket web interface slash gui for mucking around with Python. According to the official site, it’s “a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document”. More introductory information is available here (along with some very pretty screenshots).
I like the idea of it, not so much for development work but for data analysis and worked demonstration. For something to share it certainly beats a command-line session.
It looks rather like this:
I encountered it during an e-Humanities workshop yesterday and I’m already itching to play with it again.
Getting it to install on Slackware involved a few steps. There are probably better ways, but here’s how I did it, based more or less on
Step 0: optional. Open sbopkg as root. Search for and install python3. Version 2.6 works with the ipython-notebook but 3 likes sets and UTF8 better.
Step 1: curl -O
Step 2: sudo python
Step 3: easy_install pip
Step 4: Now that you have pip, you can follow the latter part of the blog post above:
Open sbopkg as root. Search for and install zeromq.
For the moment, install libpgm-5.1.116~dfsg from source (tar xvfz libpgm-5.1.116~dfsg.tar.gz; ./configure; make; make install).
pip install ipython
pip install pyzmq pip install tornado pip install --upgrade ipython pip install numpy pip install matplotlib Follow the configuration instructions described in the blog post.