Archive for the ‘Web Focus’ Category

Realising Dreams, Avoiding Nightmares, Accepting Responsibilities

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Brian Kelly will facilitate a workshop session with Martin Weller entitled Realising Dreams, Avoiding Nightmares, Accepting Responsibilities at the ALT-C 2009 Conference which will be held at the University of Manchester on 8-10 September 2009.

Time to Be Flexible

Monday, August 17th, 2009

In an articleexternal link published in the e-Access Bulletin (August 2009) Brian Kelly argues that policy makers need to take a more flexible approach to Web accessibility than simply requiring conformance with WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) guidelinesexternal link. Brian suggests that the Web Adaptability approach, described in a recent peer-reviewed paperexternal link which embraces the UN Convention’s definition of accessibility, provides an approach more suited to addressing the real-world deployment challenges posed by the technical complexities of today’s Web environment, the rich diversity of uses made of the Web as well as the differing needs and requirements of individual users.

Paper on “Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends” published

Monday, August 10th, 2009

A paper on “Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”external link has recently been published in the Program journal (Program Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43 (3), pp. 311-327). This paper was originally presented at the Bridging Worlds 2008 conference held at the National Library of Singapore in October 2008. The lead author of the paper is Brian Kelly and the other contributors are Paul Bevan (National Library of Wales), Richard Akerman (National Research Council Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa, Canada), Jo Alcock (University of Wolverhampton) and Josie Fraser (consultant).

From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Brian Kelly is the lead author of a paper entitled From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability. The paper, by Brian Kelly, Liddy Nevile, David Sloan, Sotiris Fanou, Ruth Ellison and Lisa Herrod, appears in Volume 4, Issue 4, 2009external link of Disability and Rehability: Assistive Technology, the journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM external link).

Using the Social Web

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

Brian Kelly will facilitate a two-hour workshop session entitled Using the Social Web to Maximise Access to Your Resources at a two-day Search Engine Optimisation workshop called Improving Your Online Presence which will be held at the JISC Offices, London over 27-28 July 2009. There are well-documented techniques, known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which can be used in order to ensure that Web resources can be easily found in search engines such as Google. This session will explore a number of ways in which the Social Web can be used by organisations seeking to maximise access to their services.

The “Edgeless University: Why Higher Education Must Embrace Technology” Report

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

Brian Kelly was interviewed for the “Edgeless Universityexternal link DEMOS external link report, which was launched by the JISC on 23 June 2009. The report calls for a more strategic approach to technological investment in the Higher Education sector.

IWMW 2009: Places Going Fast

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Registrations for the Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW 2009 are coming in fast and if you are hoping to attend at the University of Essex over 28 – 30 July, you are advised to register soon as there is a limited number of spaces on the parallel sessions. Booking closes on 19 June 2009.

IWMW spider logo

JISC Publishes Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

A report entitled Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World has been published by JISC. The 50-page report, produced by “an independent Committee of Inquiry into the impact on higher education of students’ widespread use of Web 2.0 technologies” provides a summary of student expectations and gives a series of recommendations on how the Higher Education community should react. Key findings, critical issues, conclusions and recommendations from the report are summarized on the JISC Web site external link together with the full report.

An accompanying article external link has been published in the Education Guardian of 12 May 2009 which includes an interview with Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus at UKOLN. Brian describes how many of the characteristics of Web 2.0, such as a culture of openness, reflect well-established approaches which are being taken in the sector. However he also warns of the dangers of seeking to exploit the marketing potential of social networking services, such as Facebook, in more formal teaching and learning activities.

Exploiting the Potential of Web 2.0 and the Social Web

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Brian Kelly will facilitate a workshop on “Exploiting the Potential of Web 2.0 and the Social Web” on behalf of Renaissance West Midlands. The workshop will be held at The Herbert, Coventry, on 26 February 2009.